Here you will find information about membership fees and our various payment methods. Your membership fee may be paid via direct debit, e-invoice or payment slip.
Your engineering career runs from studies to retirement. We know that there can be different situations during one´s professional life, therefore we offer different membership fees to match your current situation.
Membership brings you benefits, security and development throughout your entire career as an engineer. Here are all the benefits you can access as our member. See all benefits
Membership brings you benefits, security and development throughout your entire career as an engineer. Here are all the benefits you can access as our member. See all benefits
Membership brings you benefits, security and development throughout your entire career as an engineer. Here are all the benefits you can access as our member. See all benefits
If you continue to work after your 66th birthday, your membership fee will automatically be adjusted to SEK 202 from the month that you turn 66, as you are no longer covered by our income insurance. Your membership status remains otherwise unchanged. Read more about your membership benefits.
As a doctoral candidate at a Swedish university or university college, you are offered a reduced membership fee for the entire period of your doctoral studies.
If you are already a member of Engineers of Sweden and want to pay the candidate fee please contact the membership helpline and let us know at which university/university college and during which period you are doing your doctoral studies.
If you are not a member, you are welcome to submit a membership application in which you state that you are studying on a higher education program.
If you are employed abroad, outside the Nordic region, you can become a foreign member. Foreign membership also applies to those who have been a guest member in a Nordic country or in Australia for three years. To apply for foreign membership please send in a written application.
You may be entitled to reduced membership fees if you have been a full member paying the normal fee and:
The precondition is that your average gross income for at least three consecutive months is a maximum of SEK 25 500 per month.
Fill in the form for reduced fees and send it to us.
Contact us when you retire in order to become a pensioner member. Sickness benefits granted without time limit are also counted as a pension.
Pensioner members enjoy, in principle, the same benefits as full members:
If you would like to leave the unemployment insurance fund before you are 66 you must apply your exit in writing to A-kassan.
Your engineering career starts during your studies. Read more about your membership benefits. Your membership fee is invoiced annually.
If you also are a member with SULF, you can have a dual membership. You will have access to service and benefits from both two unions for basically one fee. As a dual member with SULF your total membership fee per month is SEK 275. Engineers of Sweden bill you SEK 165/month and SULF will bill you SEK 110/month. Contact our Membership Service to become a dual member with SULF.
If you are also a member of the Akademikernas a-kassa unemployment insurance fund, you can pay that membership fee (SEK 130 per month) through Sveriges Ingenjörer. Read more about the unemployment insurance fund.
If all the members of Engineers of Sweden paid their membership fees electronically, this would make a big difference to the environment. The fact that it is also convenient for both you and us makes this a simple equation. So please choose an electronic payment option.
Your membership fee may be paid via several different payment methods. As a professional member, you can choose to pay monthly via direct debit or e-invoice, or quarterly via e-invoice or payment slip.
Membership fees are deducted the second to last workday every month and monthly from your bank account automatically.
Arrange a direct debit as follows:
For retired members and students who are not members of the Akademikernas a-kassa, annual payment is applied irrespective of method of payment.
Our bank giro number for direct debit is 630-0024.
Membership fees are invoiced quarterly in January, April, July and October or monthly for professional members, once per academic year for students and once per year for retired member.
With e-invoice, the bill will be presented to your Internet bank and all you need to do is approve it. All the data concerning your payment is already filled in.
How to do it:
Log in to your Internet bank.
If you change your mind later and do not want e-invoices, simply deregister at your Internet bank.
Our bank giro number for e-invoices is 626-3867
Membership fees are invoiced quarterly for professional members in January, April, July and October, once per academic year for students and once per year for retired member.
Our bank giro number for invoices is 5303-6968
For members who pay via foreign banks:
IBAN number: SE54 6000 0000 0004 6868 4751.
Our bank is Svenska Handelsbanken.
State your personal registration number and invoice number as payment reference.
Any bank/transaction fees are to be paid by payer.
Här finns blanketter i pdf-format för att bli medlem, ändringar, betalsätt, avsluta medlemskap och blanketter för förtroendevalda och inkomstförsäkring.
Who can become a member and what can I do if my workplace has no collective agreement? Here we have collected together all the FAQs about membership of Engineers of Sweden.
Vår medlemsservice hjälper dig när du har frågor om medlemskapet, dina förmåner, vill ändra dina uppgifter eller få hjälp med att byta förbund eller a-kassa.