Sveriges Ingenjörer

After your salary dialogue

Here are some tips and advice on what you should think about after you have had your salary dialogue with your manager. Regardless of whether you are satisfied or dissatisfied with the dialogue, it is important to think ahead and plan for good salary development.

Evaluate your salary dialogue

Do you think that you have a salary that reflects your performance, skills and market value? After your salary dialogue, it is a good idea evaluate it for yourself. Think about what went well. If anything went less well, you need to reflect on what you can change next time.

Are there opportunities to develop at your workplace, be promoted and thus get a better salary? Or is it time to change jobs? Although there are employers who understand the value of competent and loyal employees, statistically speaking, changing employers often leads to a better salary increase.

If you are dissatisfied with your salary dialogue

If you do not share the assessment and justification for the salary adjustment you receive, it is important that you discuss this with your salary-setting manager. You may feel uncomfortable about doing this, but unhappy employees are not good for the organisation. As an employee, you also have the right to know what you can do to improve your salary development.

Also, talk to the union representatives at the workplace. They need to know if members are unhappy with their salary dialogues. By working together, you can have greater influence on influence your employer.

What does the salary agreement say?

If there is a collective agreement in place at your workplace, there is also a salary agreement. The salary agreement may include measures that you can take if you are not satisfied with your salary dialogue. Talk to your local trade union association or call the Engineers of Sweden members’ support service to find out what is possible within your agreement, or what you can do if there is no collective agreement or elected representative at your workplace.

Expanded salary dialogue

Some salary agreements include the option to request an expanded salary dialogue. As a member of Engineers of Sweden, you receive support from the local trade union association in a meeting with your salary-setting manager and perhaps someone from the HR department or a more senior manager. An expanded salary dialogue may be needed if the salary-setting manager's explanation during the original salary dialogue was unsatisfactory or unclear. An expanded salary dialogue takes place after the normal salary dialogue, but before the new salary is determined. Its primary purpose is not to discuss your dissatisfaction with the proposed salary increase, but for you to receive a clear explanation for the proposed new salary - in relation to your work and results.

Little or no salary increase

The salary agreements also contain provisions about measures that can be taken if you receive a small salary increase or no increase at all. Your salary-setting manager must discuss possible measures with you, the requirements for the role and any need for competence development. This should then result in an action plan containing measures to address the situation and what may need to be improved.

Think salary all year round

Your performance and results until the next salary dialogue are key to your salary development. Make sure your manager knows what you do and how well you do it. Keep a record of what you do and when you receive positive feedback, reach milestones or are given greater responsibility.

Be specific and give examples of how your performance, competence and goal fulfilment match the criteria that you and your manager have discussed and agreed upon.

Think ahead

Think about whether you are still developing your competence in the ways you want and what factors could have a positive impact on your salary development. Perhaps you can take on new tasks and more responsibility that will help you to broaden or deepen your skill set. Or is there a new role that would suit you? Discuss your thoughts with your manager at your professional development dialogue. 

The employer sets your salary

If you are not satisfied, talk to the union representatives at your workplace, if there are any, and discuss a possible action plan. In the end, it is always your employer that sets your salary. Perhaps it is time to look for an employer who values your competence more highly and is prepared to pay for it?

Use our salary statistics

Would you like more help?

If you have questions about your salary or the salary-setting process, contact your local union representatives. They have the best knowledge about the salary situation at your workplace. You are also welcome to contact the Engineers of Sweden members’ support service.

Senast uppdaterad 2024-06-14
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