Sveriges Ingenjörer

Information on personal data processing

How Sveriges Ingenjörer, Engineers of Sweden, handles personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and contact details of the personal data controller.

Personal data controller

Sveriges Ingenjörer is the personal data controller for the processing of your personal data as a member of the association.

Contact details:

Sveriges Ingenjörer
Box 1419
111 84 Stockholm

The personal data that Sveriges Ingenjörer processes is mainly collected from you in connection with your membership application, as well as continuously during your membership through contact between you and the association. We may, for example, save case history and collect data from our web pages where we use cookies in some cases to collect information from your web browser. In order for your personal data to be up to date and correct, we may also collect personal data from external registers such as Bisnode Sweden.

In connection with negotiations, we may also collect details about you, such as your contact details, your personal registration number, information about your employer and salary, from your employer and/or its employers’ organisation.

Personal data may also be collected from other trade unions or collaboration partners, for example in order to able to represent you in negotiations locally or centrally or to offer you the member benefits included in your membership.

Sveriges Ingenjörer is responsible for the processing of the information submitted to the association in connection with an application for membership. We need this information in order to process your application and administrate your membership with us, as well as to be able to offer you the services and benefits included in the membership. Furthermore, we will process your personal data within the framework of Sveriges Ingenjörer's purpose and activities in accordance with our statutes, which are approved by members when applying for membership. Our statutes can be found here.

We also process your personal data when we send you the members’ magazine Ingenjören, the magazine Ny Teknik, newsletters, invitations to meetings and offers to participate in activities such as courses, seminars and networks. If you do not wish to receive these mailings, you can unsubscribe from the respective newsletter or contact our membership service.

Agreement – ​​processing of your personal data is necessary to fulfil a membership agreement between you and Sveriges Ingenjörer or to take steps before entering into such an agreement.

Consent - you have given your consent to your personal data being processed for a specific purpose.

Legal obligation – processing of your personal data is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation incumbent on Sveriges Ingenjörer.

Public interest – processing of your personal data is necessary to perform a task of public interest as a result of legislation, a collective agreement or similar.

Balance of interests – processing of your personal data is necessary for purposes related to our or a third party's legitimate interests, provided that your individual interests or fundamental rights and freedoms do not take precedence.

Within labour law etc. – processing of your personal data is necessary so that we can fulfil obligations or exercise particular rights within labour law or within social security and social welfare on our own behalf or while representing you as a member.

Legitimate trade union activity – processing of your personal data is conducted internally within the framework of the Sveriges Ingenjörer's legitimate activities. There are appropriate protective measures in place for this.

Legal claim – processing of your personal data is necessary to assert or defend legal claims.

personuppgifter är nödvändig för att vi för egen del eller i vårt företrädarskap av dig ska kunna fullgöra skyldigheter eller utöva särskilda rättigheter inom arbetsrätten eller inom områdena social trygghet och socialt skydd.

Berättigad facklig verksamhet – Behandlingen av dina personuppgifter utförs internt inom ramen för Sveriges Ingenjörers berättigade verksamhet. För detta finns lämpliga skyddsåtgärder.

Rättsligt anspråk – Behandlingen av dina personuppgifter är nödvändig för att göra gällande eller försvara rättsliga anspråk.

In cases where there is a legal obligation, information may be passed on to the relevant authority, for example the Swedish Tax Agency.

The association may also use personal data for statistical purposes.

If for any reason your application for membership does not result membership, we will only process your personal data for the time it takes to establish whether you are to be granted membership. This also applies should you voluntarily cancel the application procedure if it was your intention to cancel the application procedure.

The purposes of our processing of your personal data

Administrating your membership

Upon joining and leaving the association, as well as during your ongoing membership, your personal data will be processed to administrate your membership. This includes information such as your name, personal identity number, address, telephone number, e-mail address, bank account number, employer, salary, level of employment, degree title and degree date, which are processed for these purposes.

Trade union activities and membership benefits

Trade union advice, negotiation support and legal support are included in your membership of Sveriges Ingenjörer. For these purposes, we process your personal data in order to be able to contact you via email, telephone, other digital means of contact and in-person meetings. In some cases, we need to share your personal data with local trade union representatives, other trade unions we cooperate with, employers, employers’ organisations, courts or arbitration bodies. In connection with negotiations and court cases, it may be necessary to travel. If so, your personal data may be shared with travel booking companies to facilitate booking of travel and accommodation.

In matters of patent law, we cooperate with the intellectual property firm AWA. In matters concerning self-employment, we cooperate with the law firm Hellströms. In social insurance matters, we cooperate with LO-TCO Rättsskydd. We have insurance through Folksam. In all of these cases, we need to transfer personal data to our partners so that they can assist you with advice or examine the issue of legal aid or insurance claims.

It is also necessary to process your personal data in connection with collective bargaining processes and labour market conflicts, as well as to be able to conduct local trade union work, for example at members’ meetings.

As a member of Sveriges Ingenjörer, you have access to a range of benefits and discounts. In order to be able to provide these, it is often necessary to process your personal data and to disclose your personal data to carefully selected partners with whom we have signed an agreement on the handling of your personal data. The membership benefits that require personal data processing relate to Ingenjören magazine, Ny Teknik magazine, Chefstidningen for executive members, income insurance through Folksam, discounted insurance premiums through Akademikerförsäkring and If, discounts on mortgages through Nordea and provision of various scholarships and funds.

We also provide courses, training, webinars and events for members and elected representatives that may involve collaborations with external companies or other partners such as conference centres.

We also provide career-related benefits such as CV reviews and interview training.

We produce salary statistics to track salary trends, check compliance with our collective agreements and give members a valuable tool when preparing for salary dialogues.

Sveriges Ingenjörer also conducts surveys, questionnaires and evaluations in order to improve our services and develop and monitor our membership benefits.

Elected representatives and the General Council

Organisational development

Opinion building

How we handle your personal data

Read more about the measures we take to protect your personal data and how we handle the collection and disclosure of your personal data.

As a member, you can access the information we have registered about you by logging in to your member page and requesting a register extract. A register extract contains a summary of how Sveriges Ingenjörer processes your personal data. However, we cannot delete data during ongoing membership that is based on us being able to fulfill the membership agreement with you or on the association's legal obligations.

You have the right to receive a summary of the personal data that we process within the framework of your membership, in a structured and machine-readable format in order to move your data. If you are a member, fill in our form and order your statement.

Sweden's Engineers would also like to draw your attention to the fact that you have the right to submit a complaint to the Swedish Data Protection Agency (IMY) regarding the association's processing of your personal data.

If you have questions regarding the processing of personal data, you are welcome to contact the person at Sveriges Ingenjörer who responsible for processing personal data by e-mail at

Data Protection Officer

The general and most important task for the data protection officer is to monitor that the personal data controller complies with the data protection regulation. As a member, you can contact the data protection officer regarding questions relating to the processing of your personal data and the exercise of your rights.

Sveriges Ingenjörer's Data Protection Officer can be contacted via e-mail at

Senast uppdaterad 2024-03-27
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